France here we come
We left the shop at 12:30pm on Sunday and headed for the airport via Chad driving us in our truck. We flew out of Tampa at 2:15pm and landed in Miami an hour later.
We had a 3 hour layover in Miami and then started for France. It was a nine hour flight. We landed at 9:30am in Paris and spent several hours exploring the airport and finding our way around. Jodi was disappointed right away, because customs rushed us thru so fast they didn't even stamp our passports.
We flew out of Paris at 2:30 pm and landed in Biarritz a little more than an hour later. Biarritz is a small town on the Atlantic ocean and has been described as the French Riviera of the Atlantic.
After getting our luggage and boarding a double decker bus, yellow of course, we headed to the hotel and took much needed showers. We got on bikes shortly after and headed out for a 25 mile countryside ride with about 25 other store owners and guides. We even have John Burke, the president and owner of Trek with us.
After the ride and another needed shower we had a great French dinner, to long though, we were falling asleep after being up for 33 hours straight. We can't sleep very well on the planes. We went straight to bed after dinner, even skipped dessert, we had to be on the bus at 5:30am for the 2 hour ride to the Pyrennes and the hardest climb we have ever been on.
We had a 3 hour layover in Miami and then started for France. It was a nine hour flight. We landed at 9:30am in Paris and spent several hours exploring the airport and finding our way around. Jodi was disappointed right away, because customs rushed us thru so fast they didn't even stamp our passports.
We flew out of Paris at 2:30 pm and landed in Biarritz a little more than an hour later. Biarritz is a small town on the Atlantic ocean and has been described as the French Riviera of the Atlantic.
After getting our luggage and boarding a double decker bus, yellow of course, we headed to the hotel and took much needed showers. We got on bikes shortly after and headed out for a 25 mile countryside ride with about 25 other store owners and guides. We even have John Burke, the president and owner of Trek with us.
After the ride and another needed shower we had a great French dinner, to long though, we were falling asleep after being up for 33 hours straight. We can't sleep very well on the planes. We went straight to bed after dinner, even skipped dessert, we had to be on the bus at 5:30am for the 2 hour ride to the Pyrennes and the hardest climb we have ever been on.