Well the day has come, the CBE/Oliver's race day has come and gone and we have our winners.
There were 41 racers that came out and participated in the race. We want to say thank you to all of you that came out to race and or watch the excitement. Some people came out and simply gave donations for the Sheriff's office and we thank you so much.
#1 Ross Glass 7 minutes and 51 seconds
#2 Simon Kessler 7 minutes and 58 seconds
#3 Geoff Lanier 8 minutes and 8 seconds
The flights will be booked and the winners will start training for the 25 miles that will be here before we know it. All the trainers were sold and we are sure that the new owners wil secretly be home triing to improve their times. We still have 2 Saris Cycleops stationary trainers for sale at CBE. They are 20% off and a great buy. The sale will be good thru the end of the tour/July 23rd.