SWFBUD meets with Commissioner Mark Sharpe
Yesterday SWFBUD (South West Florida Bicycle United Dealers ) director Alan Snel, and shop owners Brian Eckman - CBE and Randy Myhre - Oliver's met with County Commissioner Mark Sharpe on the subject of keeping our Hills. County parks open 7 days per week. As noted in earlier posts, the County was previously proposing budget cuts that would close the parks 2 days per week. The county has also already layed off many of the rangers that keep these parks running.
After the meeting we were very hopeful that our voices have been heard and that the Commissioners are mostly on our side. Commissioner Sharpe in particular has been very vocal in his support of not only keeping the parks open, but has stated that he wants to try to make the Tampa Bay area a destination spot where cyclists and outdoor enthusiasts will want to be.
This is an ongoing process that will take time, but I am feeling mostly optimistic that we are making very good headway!
Here's the story from Alan's blog
This is another great example of the fact that your local bike shops aren't just here to make money. We're also here to grow and protect the sport of cycling and to advocate on your behalf!
If you'd like to support our efforts, contact me @ carrollwood.bicycle@verizon.net or send messages directly to your commissioners. Let your voice be heard!
Here's how to contact them: Commissioner's webpage